Donation Bags
Have you ever gone through your closet with the intention of donating unused clothing to a local charity? The concept of helping those less fortunate than ourselves is fantastic. But if you’re anything like us, you probably still have that bin bag full of clothes sitting in the corner of your house somewhere. Not only does this not help the needy, but it is making your home look like a tip when it doesn't need to!
If you're serious about getting rid of them, be sure to schedule a drop-off today! It’s time to finally get those cluttered bags out of your house.
Extra Vases
If you’re the type of person to proudly adorn your home with fresh flowers every now and again, you probably have a collection of vases. And if you're being honest with yourself, you probably have at least double the number of vases you really need. So, unless you have a sentimental connection to these vases, it’s probably time to let a few of them go to new homes that can appreciate them.
If you don’t want to simply throw the old ones away, you could also repurpose them into a jewelry holder or garden ornament.
Old Technology and Cables
We all have that one drawer dedicated to old and broken technology. Whether it’s old cables or ancient phones that no longer power up - there really is no point in keeping these goods around. At the end of the day, they serve no purpose other than creating clutter. By clearing out this tech, it’ll make it a lot easier to find what you are looking for when you actually need it.
Sort through your gadget drawer and only keep the items that you believe may come in handy one day or that can be repaired. The rest can be recycled at an electronics disposal center.
Gift Wrap Scraps
A lot of people have a box or cupboard dedicated to gift wrap scraps, thinking that they’ll come in handy at some point in the future. Let’s face it, though: Nobody ever uses these scraps. The real reason we don’t want to throw them away is because it would feel wasteful, especially seeing as though we paid money for that wrapping. In the end, is the wrapping better off sitting in your cupboard for years or in the bin?
At least if you throw it away, it won’t take up unnecessary storage space or leave your house looking cluttered.
Mismatching Pieces of Kitchen Hardware
While having mismatched pieces of kitchen hardware may seem completely harmless, it actually makes your cupboard look a bit chaotic. With random lids lying everywhere and lone decorative plates taking up unnecessary space, it becomes difficult just to find what you are looking for, never mind actually maneuvering the dish out of the cupboard. Luckily, there is an easy solution to this common problem. Simply throw out any pieces of kitchen hardware that you don’t use.
This will give you so much space and make your cupboards look ten times tidier. If you don’t want to be wasteful, you could donate your pieces to a charity or even put on a yard sale.
Fridge Clutter
A lot of homeowners use their fridge as a personal calendar, magnet collection, or photo album. However, an excess of fridge magnets, photos, post-it notes, and business cards will leave your kitchen looking cluttered, messy, and, in some cases, a bit overwhelming. While some of these items may have sentimental value, it’s best to toss the meaningless ones that you stuck to the fridge ages ago and simply forgot about.
Alternatively, if you don’t want to throw anything away, you could simply store old photos, magnets, and business cards in a designated drawer. Just make sure to keep this drawer organized, otherwise, you will simply be creating a new mess for yourself!
Worn-Out Towels and Linen
Over the years, many homeowners have gathered a collection of old linen and towels. Nobody wants to throw these things away, as they can always be used for something - right? Well, not really. They usually just end up gathering dust in the spare bedroom closet. Nobody wants to use worn-out towels and linen when there are new, soft, and vibrant options available instead. You deserve a clean and luxurious linen closet!
So, be sure to toss threadbare sheets and towels! If they are still in decent shape, but you are ready to part ways with them, you could donate them to animal shelters instead.
Medals and Trophies
While some trophies and medals may have sentimental value, a lot of them only end up as clutter. This is especially true if you received them as more of a participation award. Let’s face it - that participation medal you got from the fun run you did simply doesn’t need to be on display in your house. If looking at it doesn’t fill you with pride, you should toss it.
You could take pictures of your medals and trophies to hold on to the memory before donating or recycling them. This will make your house look a whole lot tidier and less cluttered.
Any time you go to a conference event, hotel getaway, or function, you are more than likely to come home with dozens of freebies that nobody really wants. From random lanyards to company pens and bottle openers - they simply don’t need to take up space in the house. Before you know it, you’ll have accumulated a pile of random, unused freebies that make the house look cluttered and chaotic.
Sort through your collection and get rid of any items that you’ll never use. You could even donate them if they’re in decent condition.
Old and Broken Cleaning Equipment
For some reason, plenty of homeowners seem to have trouble when it comes to throwing out old cleaning equipment. From ancient vacuums that barely suck anymore to brooms with broken handles - it’s safe to say that these items simply shouldn’t have a spot in your home. More so, they take up a whole lot of space, which adds to the cluttered appearance of any room. While cleaning equipment plays an integral role in keeping the house neat and tidy, just make sure that you only hang on to items that actually function as they should.
Take this as your sign to throw out any old mops, brooms, and vacuums and replace them with ones that actually work!
Excess Luggage
One of the most exciting parts of going on holiday is planning and getting everything ready beforehand. This includes packing, which obviously requires a set of luggage. If you are the type of person who treats yourself to a new bag every time you travel, chances are you will have dozens of them lying around your house. From battered suitcases with broken zippers to old duffel bags - you simply don’t need them all.
If you have a trip coming up, either select your favorite luggage or invest in a new set. As for everything else, toss it out! Luggage takes up so much space, leaving your home looking cluttered and messy.
Old Stationery
We all have a stash of old stationery. Whether it be from your children’s school days or some bits and bobs that you bring home from the office - it is rather convenient to have working pens on standby. However, those old pencils, dry highlighters, broken rulers, and worn-down erasers simply don’t need a place in your home. They form useless clutter that only collects dust over time. Take a moment to test and toss out the duds.
Just make sure to keep the pens that actually work, as they will definitely come in handy at some point. It might even be a smart idea to store one or two in your purse or car.
Old Newspapers
Gone are the days when people actually sat down to read the newspaper in actual paper form. However, in a lot of areas, newspapers are still delivered daily or weekly to our doors. This only means that they start to pile up rather quickly, creating a whole lot of clutter that homeowners don’t have time for. Unless they contain coupons or crosswords, toss them out! Just remember that newspapers are recyclable.
If you want to stay on top of local or international news, you could even subscribe to digital newspaper platforms instead. Not only will this clear up some more space, but you’ll also prevent paper wastage.
Travel Souvenirs
If you travel often, you probably have a whole bunch of souvenirs lying around your house. While having a few tokens from your favorite trips can be great, having too many is overwhelming. After a while, the souvenirs simply don’t mean as much anymore. More so, they can leave your house looking cluttered and messy. While you don’t need to throw them all away, simply store a few in a designated drawer.
It’s also okay to let go of the less meaningful ones, such as old maps or those tiny hotel pencils that so many of us seem to keep. If looking at the souvenir doesn’t take you on a trip down memory lane, it doesn’t have to be on display in your house.
Old Makeup
Makeup is expensive. For this reason, a lot of women have a tough time throwing any sort of cosmetics out, even when the products are well past their expiry date. Not only does this leave behind a cluttered mess in your bathroom cabinet, but old makeup is actually a bit of a health hazard. After all, it has an expiration date for a reason. Using makeup past this date can lead to skin breakouts and irritation.
We recommend going through your beauty stash and getting rid of any products that have expired, dried out, or haven’t been used in the past year. This will save you a whole bunch of space while simultaneously improving your skin routine.
Unused Self-Improvement Gadgets
At some point in our lives, we have all ambitiously purchased some sort of self-improvement tool. It could be a treadmill, a fitness tracker, or an at-home stationary bike. Needless to say, most of us end up neglecting these gadgets, leaving them to lie around the house and collect dust. More so, they often take up a whole lot of space and create a bit of an eye-sore in any room.
If it’s not a part of your daily routine, it’s time to get rid of it. On the bright side, you are likely to find an online buyer, which means you will at least earn some of your money back.
Old Food Containers
If you’re anything like us, you probably have one too many dirty containers lying around your house. After a few years of use, they normally end up stained and scratched beyond repair. It’s safe to say that you don’t need dozens of these containers, especially if they’ve seen better days. If you’ve tried to get the stains out and they simply won’t budge, it’s definitely time to toss the container into the recycling bin.
Not only will this free up a whole bunch of cabinet space, but having new containers will only make the whole meal-prepping and storage experience that much more pleasant.
Expired Medication
Storing old and unused medication in your bathroom cabinet can cause a whole lot of issues. For starters, it looks messy and takes up unnecessary space. Secondly, taking expired medication is a health risk; storing it with your daily medication increases the risk of confusion. If you are on a decluttering mission, it’s highly recommended that you take your time disposing of this medication. Most pharmacies offer a take-back program, meaning that they’ll accept your old medication on the spot.
By clearing out your bathroom cabinet, you’ll create additional space while ensuring that you don’t accidentally reach for ineffective and unsafe medications.
Tote Bags
Tote bags are one of those things that we all seem to have but none of us seem to use. They are often given out as a freebie, which means that they accumulate over time, and before you know it, you have a massive collection just taking up cupboard space at home. Unless you use the bags for grocery shopping, they really serve no purpose. If you want to declutter your collection, start by throwing out the oldest and least sturdy ones.
Only hang on to the bags that can carry a lot and seem to be pretty solid. This way, you may actually get some use out of them in the long run.
Junk Mail
We can’t be the only ones that have a drawer full of unopened junk mail. Most of the time, we simply save these envelopes in case they come in handy down the line, but how often does this actually happen? If a letter is useless to you when you receive it, it will more than likely always be useless, and for that reason, it deserves no place in your home. To banish the junk, simply sort through your mail drawer and toss any unwanted items.
If you receive regular mail, you could even set up a recycling bin and toss the mail as soon as you receive it. By eliminating the constant influx of paper, you will keep your house neat, tidy, and clutter-free.
Old Swimwear
If you purchase new swimwear every time summer rolls around, you more than likely have a drawer full of old and discarded costumes. Let’s face it, though, swimwear does stretch and lose its shape pretty quickly. However, if you don’t think that you’ll be wearing a particular costume again any time in the near future, the best thing that you can do is toss it. Remember: if it doesn’t make you feel confident, it doesn’t deserve a place in your closet.
Instead of simply throwing your old costumes away, donate them to a charity shop. If they look old and misshapen, rather ditch them. This way, you will create a whole lot of space for new costumes that you actually look forward to wearing.
Old Shoes
Sandals can only really be worn during the summer months. As a result, they usually spend half of the year gathering dust in the back of your closet. We all have our favorite pair of sandals that look slightly worse for wear, but we refuse to toss them out for sentimental reasons. However, if they’ve been sitting there for ages and are close to falling apart, it’s probably time to invest in a new pair.
You could always donate your old shoes that are still in decent condition to a charity. Just remember that if you don’t actually wear the shoes, you shouldn’t hold on to them. This is especially true if the shoes are uncomfortable in any way or beyond repair.
Unused and Broken Light Bulbs
There’s nothing more annoying than having a light bulb blow when you need it the most. Disposing of light bulbs can also be incredibly tedious. You can’t simply throw them away, which means that most people tuck their old lightbulbs away in some drawer or cupboard and end up forgetting about them. In the end, they are left with a collection of broken light bulbs that serve no purpose.
To declutter this unnecessary mess, you can dispose of your bulbs at your local recycling plant or participating store. To keep them organized, use a clear bin bag with dividers to keep the different types of bulbs neatly arranged and easy to find.
Neglected Outdoor Furniture
When a piece of indoor furniture passes its prime, it's completely normal to move that item to the backyard. This way, you can still get some use out of it without creating an interior eye-sore. However, at some point, this furniture simply needs to be tossed. Whether it be a cracked planter, an old sofa, or a rusted set of tables and chairs - not everything looks good in the garden.
By getting rid of these old and unused items, your garden will end up looking a whole lot better. You could even replace them and give your backyard a bit of a revamp, making the entire space much more inviting and practical.
Cluttered Cutlery
If your cluttery... ahem, sorry... Cutlery drawer is a bit of a nightmare, it’s probably time for a utensil overhaul. Instead of having mismatched knives, forks, and spoons, simply sort through your drawer and divide them into sets. Then, hang on to the sets that you actually like and donate the old and rusted ones. Alternatively, you could upcycle the remaining sets into a garden windchime or fancy vase.
To keep your cutlery drawer as organized as possible, be sure to invest in a divider. This will make your kitchen a whole lot more neat and tidy, turning your previously chaotic cutlery drawer into a tidy haven.
Old Books
If you enjoy reading, you more than likely have a collection of old books piling up at home. While many find it satisfying to add a new book to their collection every time they finish one, all this actually does is add to the clutter. After all, what are the chances of going back to reread an old book when there are new books to discover? By holding on to your old books, you’re actually just taking up unnecessary space in your cupboard.
Instead, you can donate your old books to your local library or to a charity so that others can also enjoy them. By clearing out some space, you will only create more room for new books.
Unused Hair Appliances
When it comes to hair styling, there seems to be a new trend every single year. With that being said, many people do their best to keep up with these changes in fashion, investing in various fancy pieces of technology to shape and style their hair. However, over time, these tools usually end up lying around the house, unused. From that ancient hair straightener that doesn’t heat up anymore to that ‘advanced’ curling tool that just doesn’t clamp shut anymore - it may be time to part ways.
This is especially true if you’ve already upgraded and bought yourself a new range of styling tools. Getting rid of unnecessary hair products will declutter your house and create space for products that actually work.
Novelty Mugs
Mugs seem to be the go-to for birthday presents, travel souvenirs, and even freebies at some events. After a while, your kitchen cabinet may end up looking a bit unorganized, especially with all the mismatched mugs. Let’s face it - we all have our favorite mug that we reach for first. As for the rest of them, they probably don’t need a place in your house, even if they look cool. Most of the time, novelty mugs aren’t even practical to drink from!
At the end of the day, while they may hold a special memory, they actually just take up space in one of your kitchen cabinets. Keep one of two sentimental pieces and let the rest go.
Supplies for Old Hobbies
We all go through different phases in our lives, and when it comes to hobbies, things are no different. Whether you fancied yourself an artist or a golf enthusiast - you more than likely have a few supplies lying around the house that you just don’t use anymore. This is the general rule: If you haven’t reached for it in a few months, it doesn’t need to take up space in your home.
More so, there are plenty of people out there who would love to get their hands on your unused supplies. You could either sell some things to earn a bit of money back, or you could donate goods to local schools, community centers, or friends who may enjoy them.
Random Trinkets
Most of the time, we aren’t quite sure where random trinkets come from. They seem to simply end up on our shelves throughout the years. While they may look cool or hold a special memory, they also make cleaning the house a bit of a nightmare. Additionally, they take up a lot of space and end up making the house look cluttered and feel chaotic. If you collect trinkets, it’s probably a good idea to store them somewhere out of the way.
However, if they don’t really have any sentimental value to you, don’t be afraid to toss them out. The pieces in good condition can be saved by donating or recycling them. If you don’t feel ready to part ways, you could also use them as garden decorations.
Broken Jewelry
Jewelry can hold a special place in someone's heart. For this reason, it’s not entirely uncommon for people to have vast collections of jewelry that they have collected throughout the decades. With this being said, the jewelry usually ends up looking a bit worse for wear after a while, especially if it isn’t authentic. Whether your jewelry has become tarnished, lost a few stones, or has a broken clasp - it may be time to let it go.
At the end of the day, if it’s not fixable or worth repairing, it simply doesn’t need to take up space in your jewelry box. By getting rid of the pieces that you don’t wear, you’ll have a much easier time finding the pieces that you actually love.
Ancient Frozen Foods
Nobody likes to be wasteful. After cooking, a lot of homeowners store their leftover foods in a container and place them in the freezer for future use. However, a lot of the time, we completely forget about it, resulting in a whole bunch of frozen food simply collecting in the freezer. As a result, you probably have a freezer full of mysterious foods that you’ll never actually eat, and that take up a lot of space.
Go through your freezer and toss out anything expired, frost-bitten, or unlabeled. If you haven’t eaten it by now, chances are you’re never going to eat it.
Sauce and Sugar Packets From a Restaurant
Everybody loves a freebie. Most of the time, when you order takeout from a restaurant or dine-in, you receive an unlimited supply of sugar, salt, pepper, and sauce packets. Instead of simply throwing these away, a lot of people take them home to add to their collection of condiments. While this might be a free product, how many of us actually use these packets at the end of the day?
Most of the time, they end up forgotten about and pile up in the kitchen to gather dust. Take this as your sign to get rid of them.
Owner’s and Instruction Manuals
Owner’s manuals and instruction booklets always seem to stick around the house, no matter what they are for (and whether you read them). Regardless of whether or not you’ve figured out how to use the tool, these bulky books usually end up tucked away in some cabinet destined to collect dust. It is completely unnecessary to hold onto them, especially seeing as though they take up so much space.
Just remember that most manuals are also available online. If you want to declutter your house, start by clearing out those random cabinets full of old manuals. Trust us, you won’t miss them.
Old Grilling Tools
If you own a grill or have owned a grill at any point in your life, you more than likely have a pile of old grilling tools that you no longer use. From rusty tongs to cracked brushes and worn-out spatulas - if you don’t feel hygienic or safe using them to cook, they definitely don’t need to stick around. Ditching these old tools will make barbequing a much more pleasant experience, resulting in a cleaner and less cluttered workspace.
It’ll also make room for new and improved grilling tools. Remember that a tidy grilling station is always a crowd-pleaser, so don’t feel bad about tossing your old tools out!