A Giant Kitchen Sink?
If you've ever lived in a studio apartment, you'll know just how important it is to make the most of the limited space that you've got. And while we appreciate the fact that this apartment offers a bathtub instead of just a tiny stand-up shower, we do have to question the placement here. Who in their right mind thought that the bath should go opposite the kitchen? Perhaps they wanted a bit of a view?
Or is that just a giant kitchen sink? Whatever the case, this placement is a recipe for disaster if you ask us. Either your dinner is going to get soaked, or you'll slip and fall on those sketchy tiles.
Introducing The Love Dungeon
There are so many houses for sale out there, and if a homeowner wants to sell their home as quickly as possible, they need to make it stand out from the crowd and trump all of the competition. The person who owns this property obviously knew that which is why they decided to go wild with their decoration and make potential buyers fall in love with their house. But we can't help but think that they went a little too literal.
We love red roses as much as the next guy, but this looks more like a love dungeon than a welcoming home. In fact, it looks like it's rented by the hour!
"Natural Flooring"
When you go to see a house for sale, you can bet your bottom dollar that the agent showing you around is going to upsell the property - even if it's pretty weird. The old, crumbling walls will be "original," the small living space will be "cosy", and the dangerous electrics will be "perfect for adding your own personal touch." And we can only imagine what they said when they showed this home.
This "natural flooring" is unlike anything we've ever seen. Is it actually just a pile of rocks? Or is it lino that has a picture of rocks on it? Either way, we're so confused.
Go Big or Go Home
The beauty of buying your own home is that you have the opportunity to decorate it in a way that makes you happy. But it's safe to say that happiness is subjective, as one person's happy room is another person's nightmare. Take this house, for example. While we appreciate the fact that this homeowner decided to go bold rather than go home, the vibrancy of these rooms is giving us a headache.
While we don't like the bedroom at all, we do see some appeal in the bathroom. If you're looking for a bathroom rave that requires sunglasses, this is the house to buy.
All in or Nothing
If you're a fan of Adidas, you'll know that one of the brand's famous slogans is "All in or nothing." Well, it seems as though this Adidas superfan took this to heart, which is why they chose to decorate the outside of their home with the famous Adidas logo and the iconic stripes. The end result is utterly bizarre, and something we don't think we've ever seen in the wild before.
Apart from that, this house actually looks pretty appealing. The size is great, it's in one of the best neighborhoods, it's fully detached, and it has oodles of land! Consider it sold.
Knock, Knock, and Watch Out
At first glance, we're impressed. This is one of the biggest bathrooms we think we've ever seen, and there's no denying the fact that you could do a lot with this bathroom space if you were to buy the house. But when you take a closer look, the choices of the current owners are pretty strange. With all that space, why would you place the toilet right there, in the way?
It looks as though you can't even open the door fully, so let's hope nobody walks in on you while you're sitting on the toilet. You'll go flying into the wall.
All White Everything
If you're putting your house up for sale, having neutral decor can really help you out. It allows potential buyers to see the house for the space rather than the clutter and gives people the chance to imagine themselves in the home. Yes, this neutral decor, coupled with the best neighborhood, is a recipe for a quick sale. But is there such a thing as too neutral? We're starting to think so...
This home for sale is so stark white that it's making us feel a little uncomfortable. And the fact that someone has been able to keep it so clean is giving serious serial killer vibes.
A Little Bathroom Entertainment
If you're someone who spends a lot of time on the toilet or gets bored in the bathroom, this house for sale might intrigue you. After all, you can only read the back of a shampoo bottle so many times, so we don't really blame this person for adding a TV to their bathroom. But we do have to question the positioning of the TV, and the humungous size of it.
The whole set-up looks like someone has decided to work from home from their toilet, and that's pretty weird to us. Let's not mention the different-sized tiles, either. That would drive us crazy.
The Apartment of Versailles
Most people like to stick to a theme when they're decorating their home. Some people go minimal, others go maximalist, and there are even many who go boho chic. Less common is this theme, however, which we can only describe as a Versailles nightmare. It seems as though this person has tried to turn their apartment into an opulent castle, and they have nailed it. Doesn't mean we like it, though.
This whole apartment is a major attack on the senses, and if it was between this place and another house for sale, we'd definitely go for the other one - even if it was smaller and more expensive.
No, That's Not a Yellow Coffin
This person was obviously inspired by Barbie's beach house when they decorated this bathroom, as it's giving major Miami beach vibes. We love the corner tub, and we don't even mind the mishmash of tiles and patterns. But while there are some things we love, there are other things that are giving us the heebie-jeebies - and that includes the coffin-like tanning bed on the left-hand side and the random hole in the floor.
While we appreciate that most people like a tan, the tanning bed seems a bit excessive. And as the bathroom already has a door, where exactly is that hole going? We need answers!
Only $3,000 a Month
If you live in a big city like New York or London, sights like this will be very familiar. After all, most people can't afford the rent or mortgage on a full-size house in big cities unless they're a millionaire. Instead, they have to opt for small studio apartments like this, where your shower is right by your door, your washing machine is right next to your couch, and your microwave is on the floor.
But what's so hilariously bad about apartments like this is that the landlords or the mortgage company will still want around $3,000 a month for places like this. Sorry, what?
Try and Take It All in
This homeowner is a minimalist, right? Just kidding, this house for sale is proof that some people can just never have enough stuff. They want to fill every space inch with statues and rugs, and they want to cover every wall with bright red paint and cheetah print. And we're sure there are some people around the world who dig this kind of home decoration. We're not those people, though.
If we were to buy this house, we'd need to wear sunglasses and work in 5-minute instalments while we ripped everything down. It's making our eyes hurt just looking at it.
Talk to the Palm
In the grand scheme of things, this isn't the worst picture of a home for sale that we've ever seen. It reminds us of Frida Kahlo, and we wouldn't be surprised if the person who lived here was some kind of artist. But the decoration choices are still questionable. Yellow paint with red couches and drapes? Giant, fake palm trees in every room? It's definitely an interesting choice of decoration.
Of course, we wouldn't mind if the plants were real. But the fact that they're fake (and the second palm is way too big for the room) just seems a little off, if you ask us.
It's a Bit of a Fixer-Upper
Let's be honest; fixer-uppers can be a great investment if you're looking for a cheap home to buy. They're normally much more affordable, and they give you the chance to create a bespoke house that suits your needs and requirements. And while this happens to be in the best neighborhood, we can't help but wonder if this is too much of a fixer-upper. In fact, it's probably best to just tear the whole thing down.
From the crumbling exterior to the inside that looks well beyond repair, this whole house is a mess. And while we like to see potential in any property, even we're struggling with this one.
Double Tub Trouble
This is just a normal bathroom, right? Think again! The more you look at this bizarre photo, the more you realize that this bathroom isn't like all of the other bathrooms out there. For starters, that door is actually the front door - which is pretty weird when you think about it. But the piece-de-resistance of the whole room is the double tub situation. Yes, those are two bathtubs next to each other.
We love a date night as much as the next person, but a bath date night is something we don't think we've ever experienced before. But we guess you shouldn't knock it until you've tried it.
Got Enough Texture?
When it comes to interior design, everyone has their own aesthetic. While some people are led by the 'less is more' example, there are others who believe more is more. And we're going to go out on a limb here and say that the homeowner of this house is definitely part of the latter category - especially when it comes to texture. There's texture on the walls, texture on the ceiling, and even texture on the soft furnishings.
Don't get us wrong, those white chairs and couches look like the cosiest things we've ever seen. But if this house was for sale when we were looking, we'd scroll right on past.
A Teleportation Tube in an Aquarium
If you were staring at the shower for longer than you'd like, we don't blame you. While we understand that showers come in all shapes and forms, we don't think we've ever seen one that looks like a teleportation tube before. And why is it so high off the ground? But if you can tear your eyes away from the shower, you should definitely check out the rest of the bathroom.
Although we don't hate the aquarium floor (it's pretty unique, right?), the combination of the aquarium floor and the red tiles is tipping us over the edge. We just don't know where to look.
Love the Smell of Fumes in the Morning
When looking at houses for sale, it's not uncommon for men to look for a nice garage. After all, they often turn these garages into their man caves and spend all of their free time tinkering with their tools and their cars. But is this taking garage living a little too far? Although we love the industrial vibe of this place, we can't help but think having a garage as your actual home isn't very practical.
Just imagine the fumes that'll stink up the place! Sure, we get that this person wants a safe space to park their Porsche, but we don't think that should be right next to their kitchen.
Just Asking for Mould
Let's be honest; you can't fault these homeowners for making a very strange-shaped room work as a practical space. Not only are they working with a sloping ceiling, but they also have a strange cubby hole at the back - and they've made it into a quirky little toilet area. So, kudos to them for that. And while we understand that everyone's tastes are different, this look isn't quite working for us.
Not in a visual sense, though, as we get the opulent theme that these people were trying to bring to life. Our problem is with that giant fabric shower curtain, which is just asking for mould!
A Tad Bright
When you look at the pictures of homes for sale, you can learn a lot about the homeowner. You can learn all about their likes and dislikes in terms of home decoration, and you can even learn their favorite color. And while we don't like to make assumptions, our bet is that the owner of this property loves red! From the red ceiling to the red cabinets and the red carpet, they've gone all out.
But we guess the color of things can be changed, so we don't hate this place too much. If it's in a great neighborhood, it might just win us over.
An All-In-One Shower
Well, we have so many things to say about this set-up. To some people, this could seem like an absolute nightmare, and using a squat toilet is something they could never imagine themselves using. But this is actually the reality for some people around the world, and you can't deny that this is a practical use of such a small space. After all, it's an all-in-one shower complete with toilet.
And while we appreciate the wooden lid that can be placed over the toilet, one thing we are worried about is if the water from the shower backs up and you're left with an overflowing toilet shower.
The Throne Room
No house would be complete without a bathroom, right? When you're looking at houses for sale, this is something that you should always be on the lookout for. And if it has an upstairs bathroom, does it also have a downstairs bathroom just in case you can't be bothered to walk upstairs? Well, in an effort to make their house more appealing, it seems as though these people built a throne room in the basement.
Of course, we appreciate the extra toilet space, but something about this setup just seems a little odd. We don't know if it's the wooden base or the black panelling on the walls, but it's strange.
Barbie's Dreamhouse
Barbie fever has well and truly swept the world over the past few years, and it's no surprise that the pictures of many homes for sale include these Barbie vibes. Take this house, for example. While this could have been a very normal (but quite old-fashioned) kitchen, the sellers decided to amp it up a notch by painting the kitchen cupboards a very hot pink. Yes, it definitely stands out.
While we have nothing wrong with a bit of pink here and there, there's no denying that these pink cupboards are an attack on the eyes. And with the rest of the room? It just looks bizarre.
Afraid of Heights?
There are many people on this planet who think split-level living is cool, and we're some of them! The idea that you can have a mezzanine floor above your living space is pretty neat and a great use of space and layout. But, of course, this kind of split-level living has to be done well - and we don't think this is done very well at all. More than anything, we're worried for the safety of the person who lives here.
The weird stains on the stairs are giving us the heebie-jeebies, and that's before we mention the office chair up the top. We really hope it doesn't have wheels on it.
Yes, Those Are Tennis Balls
If you're looking at this picture and wondering what the heck is going on, we don't blame you. At first glance, this looks like a very small studio apartment that's been split into a living level and a sleeping level. And while we'd normally say that was a good use of space, the ladder to get from one level to the next is just making us think of expensive medical bills.
The fact that it's a workman's ladder is bad enough, but have you spotted what the ladder is perched on? Yes, those are four tennis balls - two at the front and two at the back.
Room for Three
Most people like to have their privacy when they're in the bathroom, but we guess there are other people in this world who prefer to be with the people they love at all times. And we're going to guess that whoever owns this home for sale is one of those people. Why else would there be space for three people in this bathroom? You can get two in the tubs, and one on the couch feeding them both grapes.
Of course, if we were going to choose, we'd always opt for the roll-top bath. But if that corner tub has also got hot tub jets, that one might just clinch it.
"Needs a Little TLC"
There's nothing wrong with buying a house that needs a little TLC. For some people, this can be the challenge that they really need in their lives. But there are some people who just can't get past the images of these homes for sale - and there's no denying that most people would be put off if they saw these pictures. After all, this house looks straight out of a horror movie.
Why is the bedroom so big? Why is there nothing in it? What's the random rail on the bathroom ceiling for? What does IEVA mean? We have so many questions, but so few answers.
What a View
When a house is in one of the best neighbourhoods, has oodles of space, and has a view like this, you just know that there are going to be buyers lining up to call it their own. And you can't deny that this apartment is pretty cool. The space is huge, and those windows open up a wealth of opportunity to redecorate it in a way that suits your own vibe.
That doesn't mean that we can't question the seller's design choices, though. The living room and dining room we can deal with, but that sink looks weirdly magical - and not in a good way.
Time to Cook and Clean
Have you ever wished that there were more hours in the day? Sometimes, it just seems as though there are too many things to do in too little time, and you find yourself rushing around 24/7. This often means that basic self-care goes out of the window. But what if you could cook and clean at the same time? Well, in this house for sale, it seems as though you can!
If you had long enough arms, you could definitely reach out from the bath and stir the pot on the stove. We don't know why you'd want to, but you still could.
Time for a Scrub, Princess
Talk about opulence, hey?! This bathroom is like something out of a Grecian dream, and it's fair to say that this tub is calling out to us. It looks luxurious, it looks relaxing, and it looks utterly royal. But in the grand scheme of things, this bathroom has gone a bit overboard. As this house is for sale, we have a feeling that some people will skip out on viewings because of this bathroom alone.
Despite this, we have no doubt about the fact that there's someone out there who has always dreamed of having a bathroom just like this one. So, they'll probably snap it up.
Hey, Neighbors
The key to buying a good house is checking out the neighborhood and getting a glimpse of your neighbors. After all, bad neighbors can make your life hell. So, how would you feel about neighbors like this? On the one hand, most people would hate the idea of living next to a cemetery and would find the whole thing extremely spooky. On the other hand, at least they'd be quiet...
With these guys as your neighbors, you wouldn't have to worry about any late-night parties or banging on the walls. And if you do, you should probably call the ghostbusters.
Totally a Mellow Yellow
Yellow is a great color to have in the home. It's bright, it's colorful, and it's the kind of color that will put a smile on your face. And while we appreciate these homeowners' attempts to brighten up what could be a very dark and dingy laundry room, this looks a little worse for wear if you ask us. Of course, it's more of a practical space than a decorative space, but it still needs some sprucing up.
More than anything, we just can't quite get over those random pipes that are coming through the walls and hanging off the ceiling. Are they supposed to be there or what?
Urban Decay Decor
When you're searching online for homes for sale, there's a high chance that you'll see a wide variety of home decor schemes. Some people go for cute and cozy, others go for modern and fresh, and then there are others who are so outside of the box that we're not even sure they should be allowed. Like this place, for example, which looks like somewhere a serial killer would keep their victims.
From the exposed brick walls to the unfurnished space and the random couch, the whole thing looks odd to us. And we really hope we never set foot somewhere like this.
Cars Not Included
Have you ever viewed a house for sale and fallen completely in love with a piece of furniture or a piece of artwork the owners had in there? Well, we have a feeling that there are going to be quite a few people out there who would do anything to have a car collection like this. We bet that this has taken years of work and searching to find these bad boys.
However, we have a feeling that these wouldn't be included in the asking price of this home. Maybe if you add a few zeros onto the price tag they might consider it...
Putting Your Foot in It
If you've ever experienced the pain of putting your foot through the ceiling, you might be familiar with a situation like this. On the one hand, you have the physical pain in your foot. On the other hand, you also have the emotional pain of knowing that you're going to have to pay to fix the hole in the ceiling. But it seems as though the owners of this house for sale didn't want to do that.
In the end, they opted to simply cover up the hole with some old floorboards they had lying around. And we do have to admire their creativity because it does the job quite well.
Worse Than LEGO
We always thought that there was nothing worse than stepping on LEGOS, but we think we might have found a solid contender for first place in this apartment. For some reason, the owners of this house decided to cover half of their living room floor in real rocks. Why? Well, we're not 100% sure, and we have so many questions about this bizarre design choice. After all, this wasn't just an accident.
These people actively made the decision to create a rock floor, and that's what baffles us the most. So, we'd like a conversation with these people if anyone has their contact details.
Fake It Until You Make It
Most people have dreams of laying on a beach, sipping on cocktails, enjoying the view, and not worrying about working or paying bills. And this bizarre house just goes to show that sometimes you just have to fake it until you make it. No, the owner of this house won't be walking down the steps of their palace and into the crystal clear waters below anytime soon... but they can still dream.
Compared to some of the other houses for sale on this list, it's not the worst. In fact, if you changed up the furniture a bit, this could even be quite nice.
Happy as Larry
We're no experts when it comes to selling a house, but one thing we do know is that there are certain things you can do to make the place look more appealing. For starters, you can shoot the place in natural lighting rather than in the dark like these people have done. Alongside this, you should also avoid taking pictures with people in them. But they failed on that one, too.
Although the parquet flooring in this apartment is absolutely stunning, the whole thing has been overpowered by the general dreariness of the place. And the random woman sitting on the floor.
Feeling Blue
Although there have been many houses on this list that we haven't liked, we're struggling to find things to complain about with this place. Ok, so it looks a little cold and unfinished - but that painting is pretty cool, right? While we wouldn't want it as an adult, we bet any kid would be over the moon to have this in their room. When they go to bed, they can stare up at the stars!
The lighter blue also prevents the room from being too dark and gloomy, so the person who painted this was obviously thinking about it every step of the way. Plus, look at that stunning floor!
No View? No Problem!
Although most people would want to wake up with a beautiful view in the morning, most people also don't have oodles of cash to their name. This means that they have to settle for a house that's in their budget - and this might not include a good view. That didn't stop this person from making their own, though. In bizarre turn of events, they decided to plaster one all over the walls.
While this could have been effective if done right, everything about this is making us feel weird. The patterns don't seem to match, an what are those weird doors sticking out of the wall?